Curious about the stability of using Photoshop with Wine or a VM. Photoshop and Marvelous Designer are the only apps I use that aren’t on linux. I wonder if using Wine for Photoshop would be simplified if people try a version like m0nkrus that doesn’t require the creative cloud.

    7 months ago

    I completely get why you’d stick with MacOS if you need CC software. That being said I am very glad about the general lack of anti-user software like Adobe’s suite on Linux and I hope they don’t port their CC software to Linux. Instead I hope FOSS alternatives get better to the point where most PS/CC users can reasonably meet all their needs with free (as in libre) software. GIMP is pretty decent these days although I find it a lot more clunky and awkward to use than PS. But hopefully either the gap can close or some new FOSS developer can create an even better alternative.