
It is an intense math test and i am thinking about writing formulas in paper bits and hiding it in the shoe sole and pockets as there is no body search .

I have no time to study and i am sleep starved.

If i am caught cheating i will be banned from writing it again for 4 years and will be stuck in a state i hate as it is hell (because if i pass this i am kinda set for life and if i don’t fucked).

Am i fucked ?

EDIT : Why are you down voting ? The sub is for asking questions and i desperatly need answers if you can’t answer just kindly move the fuck on .

EDIT : For clarity i don’t need maths for the job except for the test as a standard thing (and i am weak at maths) and the finals won’t have maths .

Edit : I can’t tell you the context as it is personnel but i am severly fucked if i don’t pass like blowing my head of is a better alternative fucked.

    7 months ago

    best way to cheat is to commit the information to memory, works best if you also understand said information. It’s undetectable.