• Zagorath
    3 months ago

    Hilarious that Schrinner mentions traffic as one of his top priorities, and then tries to tout his government’s record on active transport. They’ve repeatedly refused to do anything on numerous routes that have been highlighted as priorities, culminating in a tragic death last year (as yesterday’s post reminded us). They’re even doing a massive “upgrade” to Moggill Rd, another corridor that has seen multiple deaths over the past couple of decades, without providing separated cycling infrastructure. And the repeated cancellation of the NBB for over half a decade after the State finished their part of that project (when they were supposed to be shovels-ready as soon as the State finished) is a huge slight on them.

    Of course, what they are doing is a lot of road widening. He points it out here, which is laughable. That’s not solving congestion, Schrinner! It’s going to create more of it.

    Price and Sriranganathan gave much better answers to question 6. The city-centralised nature of our PT is awful and not good at connecting communities. It’s also too expensive. Both of them actually want to get people out of cars.

    Question 7 was interesting. Sriranganathan said the important piece: the problem with housing isn’t actually population growth, it’s treating housing as a commodity first and foremost. Schrinner and Price, on the other hand, basically dodged the question, saying a lot of words without saying anything.

    It’s very telling that both Sriranganathan and Price named the personal attacks and lies from the LNP campaign as their least favourite things about the election campaign.