The Commonwealth Bank of Australia has partnered with Netherlands-based company CFP Green Buildings to develop a new green buildings tool that can help commercial building owners identify areas where they can reduce energy use and carbon emissions.

Australia’s first digital tool uses a data-driven approach that produces the building’s baseline emissions footprint based on third-party benchmarking data.

“Simple upgrades like LED lighting and intelligent building management systems can reduce a property’s carbon footprint meaningfully while improving energy efficiency. We know from market research that green buildings tend to have higher occupancy rates, higher rents and longer lease terms."

Bram Adema, founder and managing director of CFP Green Buildings said “Australian owners of commercial estate can now save weeks and thousands of dollars per asset on energy consulting; the green buildings tool will show business cases and pathways to energy and carbon reduction instantly, empowering everyone to assess the next steps to sustainability. With the tool’s guidance, both single assets and portfolios can be analysed.”