Sitting on a chair that you can’t put your feet on the ground is extremely uncomfortable. Even if they have a bar to put them on at the base, it’s still a very awkward position
I can tell the person who asked this is short, short people seem to be used to this and don’t feel uncomfortable like that. At least, according to my wife. I always feel very uncomfortable if my feet can’t be on the ground.
Probably helps that their legs are wayy lighter though. Square-cube law strikes again.
I actually like sitting up high, but I just tried sitting on my desk and I reflexively tensed my thigh muscles to keep my legs slightly raised. Otherwise the dead weight of my legs pulls me forward against the edge of the desk, which is uncomfortable. Maybe a short person can chime in with their own experience lol
I worked at a standing desk with a tall chair that had a bar for your feet. I found it was downright perfect. But, every solution will have the lovers and the haters.
Sitting on a chair that you can’t put your feet on the ground is extremely uncomfortable. Even if they have a bar to put them on at the base, it’s still a very awkward position
I can tell the person who asked this is short, short people seem to be used to this and don’t feel uncomfortable like that. At least, according to my wife. I always feel very uncomfortable if my feet can’t be on the ground.
Probably helps that their legs are wayy lighter though. Square-cube law strikes again.
I actually like sitting up high, but I just tried sitting on my desk and I reflexively tensed my thigh muscles to keep my legs slightly raised. Otherwise the dead weight of my legs pulls me forward against the edge of the desk, which is uncomfortable. Maybe a short person can chime in with their own experience lol
Wait, you’re not supposed to put your feet on the chair?
I worked at a standing desk with a tall chair that had a bar for your feet. I found it was downright perfect. But, every solution will have the lovers and the haters.