• Xero@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Ah yes, raping, an activity that is the perfect comparison to eating meat. And yet everyone doesn’t get arrested for eating meat, the justice system is more corrupted than I thought.

    And as a species that has been around for 2.5 million years, we just started eating meat recently and definitely not for the last 2.4 million years. It’s a miracle that we evolved instantly from a bunch of apes eating nothing but plants to omnivores with complex history and advanced technology in just a mere 2 thousand years.

    Maybe having a brain the size of an orange ain’t so bad, we definitely should evolve backward to that since we were able to survive for 2.498 million years without meat after all.

    • threeduck
      7 months ago

      I’m not suggesting that rape and the act of killing and eating animals are equivalent. You listed the fact that “animals kill animals, we are animals” as justification for doing so. I posit that, using that logic, “animals rape animals, we are animals” is broken justification for rape.

      Also the fact we have been doing something for millions of years is not justification to continue doing so. We’ve indiscriminately murdered people for millions of years, you wouldn’t accept that as justification for murder.

      Consumption of meat was certainly beneficial to our ancestors, as protein was hard to reliably attain. Now it isn’t, we have access to all kinds of reliable plant protein.

      To now make the conscious choice to kill and eat animals, ONLY for ones pleasure, is immoral.

      • Xero@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Not only eating meat is the same thing as raping but also murdering people? Maybe PETA should take over the world and throw billions of people in jail then. Our ancestors must be really disappointed to know that they spent millions of years of evolution climbing to the top of the food chain just for you people to jump back down to the bottom.

        I recommend you eat at least three times the portion of your precious beans to somewhat match the nutrients of a normal meal for a normal person. And actually season your “food” please, I’m very opening minded about food and try everything before judging, but yours are just so tasteless than even good old water has more flavor. Even a broke colleague student’s meal is nowhere as sad as yours.

        • threeduck
          7 months ago

          Whoa, this certainly got very ad-hominem all of a sudden.

          As I’ve said earlier, I’m not drawing a moral equivalence between killing animals and rape, I’m suggesting your faulty “logic”, (the Appeal To Nature Fallacy) can be used to justify anything animals and humans have historically done. And now you suggest you’d eat animals so as not to disappoint cavemen. A very bizarre argument. Although as I’ve said at the top, there is no valid argument against veganism.

          Now you surely realise you eat vegan food every day? Fruit is vegan. Vegetables are vegan. Most indian food is at least vegetarian, which I’m sure you’d agree doesn’t “taste like water”. You know what is quite tasteless? Meat. Without all those vegan seasonings and spices, it’s surprisingly bland. As for protein, funnily enough I actually had a seitan steak tonight, cooked it on my BBQ. It’s 75% protein which is literally more than any meat.

          It seems as though you’re getting a bit agitated, trying to provoke a bit of flame out of me perhaps. So maybe it’s best left there then.

          • Xero@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            Hold up, you vegan think everyone else eat nothing but meat? LOL, every heard of something called “a balanced diet”? Don’t tell me you people actually believe you are herbivores and everyone else are pure carnivores. You might wanna google “omnivores”, mate. Fun fact: Human isn’t the only omnivore species on earth, so why don’t you and your beloved PETA go and try to convert all of them to vegans so you can “save the planet”.

            Before you go, would you kindly tell which school you went to so I don’t send my kids there?