Even after all these years firefox keeps using mozilla hidden directory instead of XDG base directories. For how long will this continue?

Watch https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=259356 for updates to this request.

~/.mozilla/firefox/<profile> is a mish-mash of data, config, and cache. It’s not simple to unravel that. Beyond that, it would be a breaking change, and that requires more caution.

credit: u/yo_99 on Reddit.

original link: https://old.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/vkgk78/why_does_firefox_keeps_using_mozilla_directory/

  • WhoRoger@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    The fun part is, at least since Win95, games were supposed to store their data in the My documents directory. The only game I remember actually going with this was Max Payne, everyone else was just dumping everything in the directory with the exe.

    Then Vista came out and those who cared, were scrambling to update their games. The rest just went - shrug eh, run in compatibility mode.