So I’ve recently been trying to use the term “2SLGBTQQIA+” over “LGBTQ” as it seems more inclusive, and includes first nation peoples beliefs on sexuality and gender, as well as including and differentiating “queer” from “questioning”. It’s not perfect (still combines A for ally and A for Asexual) but I think ally could just be included in the “+” portion. Regardless, It seems that people unfamiliar with this term just think I’m being a smart ass or a bigot. When truly I want to know what the limits of what “the community” feel is appropriate. Thank you to anyone who can shed some light on this for me.

  • Monkey With A
    2 years ago

    I’ve tried to have talks before about that with some filks and only ended up confusing myself further. At some point it just needs to become some all-encompasing term, preferably in words rather than initials, but I haven’t heard one yet. Something like alternate lifestyles and genders but without the alternate part since that has an implied abnormality to it. Unfortunatly with as many groups wish to be represented (and some that people expressly aim to exclude for good reason) it seems impossible to cover everyone so simply. If it where to stay as initials though, I’d say the LGBTQ+ seems sufficient with the + being something of a catch-all.