Got my Argos today and it looks and feels so much better than I expected. It’s super tiny, beautifully designed and setting it up was very easy. Filled it up with 40GH/40KH water and it got to temp within 5 mins or so. Flushed for a bit to clean out the water path. Pulled a shot with some washed Ethiopian beans 18:40 and it tasted really nice and soft, lots of nice lemon acidity, very nice floral notes and some white sugar sweetness. This was in spring config with the 6 bar spring. Also got the analog pressure gauge and digital transducer. Need to install those and play with the app over the next few days.

    1 year ago

    Keurigs are made for convenient filter coffee while the Argos is made for espresso. I believe Keurig has “espresso blends” but the machine isn’t capable of creating the pressure needed for true espresso so what you get is just a stronger tasting filter coffee.