It’s honestly hilarious to me that they’re going with this instead of making up a bullshit story about Yemeni pirates playing kickball with a puppy’s head. Not even anything about “freedom and democracy”. Just naked imperialism and prioritization of le market over human lives. Of course, they very deliberately omit why they started a blockade to begin with.

Can’t tell if it’s a net good to see the empire rip its mask off like this.

  • invo_rt [he/him]
    6 months ago


    I’m tired and cooking here so maybe a more well-read comrade can help me out, but I think this kind of rhetoric is a result of the US empire declining.

    Of course, leftists have always known that the military is just a tool for imperialism, but I’ve seen things like OP cropping up more and more often among the “”“populist”“” chuds online. The veneer of “defending freedom and democracy” that was unquestionable before and during the Bush Jr years is collapsing. On the right, it’s being replaced with a vulgar, amoral anti-war stance (unless it’s China) that judges engagements not on any kind of moral grounds, but on whether it’s a good deal for the US financially.

    IMO, it’s preferable to the fake rhetoric that was out there before, but it definitely feels like the spray tan the US had is coming off and it will be embracing the “yeah, I’m a piece of shit, but I’ve got the most guns” cynicism in the future. It’s a tacit admission that leftists were right about the nature of the US.