Over the last few days I’ve added full support for creating and viewing crossposts, so check it out!

There’s also been other features added like mod banning, follow the Github releases for more.

View crossposts

When Voyager detects a crosspost, it will now automatically render it in the UI. This makes it quick and easy to see # of comments and post score of the crossposted content. It also makes it much easier to navigate to the original post!

It’s also supported in compact mode!

If you don’t like this behavior, you can disable it in Settings -> Appearance -> Embed Crossposts.

Create crossposts

You can now crosspost anything to a community! Try it out and let me know what you think.

  • cosmic_slate@dmv.social
    1 year ago

    I’ve been rotating between a few Lemmy apps over the past few months but I keep coming back to Voyager. Thank you for an incredibly smooth experience, especially since it’s only been a few months of development.

    • PlasticPigeon@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Agree and same here, always going back to Lemmy, and only because someone posted months ago about an amazing progressive web app called voyager. :-)

      Only recently moved to the app. Buttery smooth either way.