i’m trying to make a function that creates a multi-level list. i’ve got function code that makes a single-level list, and that works fine, but my attempted extrapolation of that code to make a two-level list isn’t working. could anyone tell me what i’ve done wrong and how to fix it?
thank you in advance! <3
See this modification of your generator
On that generator, I essentially hard coded all of the items that you dynamically need to create. It is much easier to use since you can change those values with inputs easily instead of pushing stuff into an array which might throw errors.
oh that’s interesting! it works nicely i think, but there’s just one problem. i’d like for the highlight to apply automatically to the names and pronouns, even when edited by user inputs, which is why i was going through a function that applied the formatting to the names, and attempted to do the same with the pronouns. if that isn’t possible, i understand, it would just make editing more convenient for me. thank you for helping me this far! :0