My stepfather has lost his shit and gone from accountant to flat earther. This has evolved from glass dome above the earth that caused the Challenger explosion to some new shit. Enter the 2040 Phoenix Event. Every 140 years there’s a cataclysmic event which changes the fundamental nature of the planet. This cycle is so powerful that it actually destroyed the Mayan civilisation. In 2040 it’s due to happen again and the ONLY place on earth that will be safe is Egypt.

But what was the last thing that happened in 1900, you might ask.

The 1908 Tunguska Event in which an asteroid air burst above Siberia and killed a few reindeer herders.

But 1908 is 8 years after the 140 year cycle and 1900 was pretty uneventful, you might say.


    9 months ago

    why invent fake cyclical apocalypses when we already have perfectly good real ones every 100k years?

    When CO2 levels rose from 200ppm to 300ppm starting ~20k years ago, sea levels rose by 120m (~1200 stacked hamburgers for Americans).

    And were up more than 100ppm since then with CO2.

    As a plus, we get to write the next flood myth. So send me your best pitches.