• ZagorathOP
    2 years ago

    The sci-fi/fantasy section is always disappointing at bookfest. One table at most, and there’s rarely anything worthwhile.

    Huh, I’ve had a great time in the past. When I went in…I think it was 2018 or 2019, the selection was awesome. I didn’t find my White Whale that year either (though I have been searching for it that long), but I did find a few other things that I wanted. I, Strahd, the D&D novel that serves as a prequel to its popular vampire-themed adventure. There were multiple copies of The Lord of the Rings that year, but in particular I managed to grab a well-kept copy of the exact same edition that I grew up with, and which had been shredded to bits by the family cat. And Anne Rice’s Interview With the Vampire.

    I saw a few copies of The Vampire Lestat there this year, but not a lot of Anne Rice besides that. And none of the other stuff from authors or IPs I mentioned.

    • lordriffington
      2 years ago

      Fair enough. Maybe I’ve just always been unlucky. There’s never been anything much. I’ve grabbed a book here and there, but mostly it’s five minutes of scanning the sci-fi table and a couple of hours of walking up and down the other tables looking for anything I’m interested in.

      I’ve had far better finds in random op shops than anything I’ve ever found at bookfest. I found a box set of LotR still in shrink wrap (and I’m fairly certain it was the original wrap too.) It wasn’t the exact edition I remember from my childhood, but it was published in '89, so it’s right around that time. I think I paid 7.50 for it, and it’s immaculate.