Not totally ADHD but since I’m one of those:

Bring home extra monitor to do extra-curricular work from home.

Can’t find clampy part of fancy dual monitor stand I got years ago and never used.

Looked and searched and emptied boxes and threw out shit that had been taking up space in effort to find clampy bit. Said to myself that I can’t possibly work on thing over holiday that will help me earn more money until I find clampy thing because I couldn’t possibly just put the fucking monitor onto the desk.

Spend two days looking them today discuss it with son and say I’m going to fabricate a thing to replace part of it and use a couple old steel G-clamps to grip the desk. Joke that as soon as I make it and go to install it I’ll find the original part.

Go to hell-home mess of workshop room and uncover an old IMac aluminium stand which I’ll use to fabricate L-plate. Move aside another thing on workbench and and reveal the original clampy-part. No excuses any more.

TLDR: find thing eventually.