Share your thoughts, delights, criticisms, and describe your face when


the musical number kicked in.

Please honor Bill and Ted’s Law: Be excellent to each other.

  • katy ✨
    1 year ago

    starkid firebringer 🤝 church on ruby road

    i must remind you once again please refrain from eating the babies

    but for real i loved this so much and i love the fifteenth doctor even more and i’m also jealous of ruby for getting to travel with him ;__;

    also ruby’s mum is now the s tier of doctor who mums and ruby’s nan is whatever is better than s tier of doctor who nans. sorry i don’t make the rules.

    oh and also now i need two things; a doctor who/dr horrible crossover and a labyrinth/doctor who crossover

    i like how rtd was like “hey davina do you want to get killed by a christmas tree?” and she was like “you betcha”