Winter is coming and Collapse OS aims to soften the blow. It is a Forth (why Forth?) operating system and a collection of tools and documentation with a single purpose: preserve the ability to program microcontrollers through civilizational collapse.

imagine noticing that civilization is collapsing around you and not immediately opening an emacs lisp buffer so you can painstakingly recreate the entire compiler toolchain and runtime environment for the microcontrollers around you as janky code running in your editor. fucking amateurs

    2 years ago

    Based on appearance alone, I’d have pegged Karl as the Vickers enthusiast… shows how much I know.

    Anyway these videos have been a guilty pleasure of mine but it’s starting to sour. Ian’s designation of the breakup of Yugoslavia as Croatia’s “Homeland War” is no doubt politeness to his Croatian hosts but still feels a bit white-washy.