This is shaping up to be the thing right wing nuts get outraged about this upcoming week. I feel like this is a good litmus test… anyone who gets angry about this is probably way more of a white nationalist than they are letting on. You think these same people who be angry about a blue/white/orange tricolor, saying it’s too close to the Dutch flag?

  • TupamarosShakur [he/him]
    10 months ago

    The original tweet is not even correct in any way. Ilhan Omar is not from Puntland, she’s from Mogadishu. Her father is from the area of Puntland. But Puntland didn’t even exist on a map until 1998 - when Ilhan Omar was 17 years old. No one in her family, including her, ever lived in a place called “Puntland.” Her father was basically from the area that became Puntland, but never lived in it at any time it was referred to as “Puntland.”

    Furthermore, the Puntland flag is from 2009 - 14 years after Ilhan Omar’s family was in the United States. Not even her father has any ties to that flag, its extremely modern. Chuds will just find anything to get worked up over.

    edit: Puntland didn’t even exist until 3 years after Ilhan Omar’s family was in the United States

    edit 2: furthermore, I’d love to see EndWokeness’ source for “largest Somali population in the west” because I don’t think that’s true either. I’m pretty sure London has more Somali people than Minnesota.