Even with a strong Captcha system in place, you will still find users trying to manually spam your web site. They tend to be people who discover your site through a very specific search engine query, for which they would like their own site to also rank well, and they hope that by adding a link back to their site from yours this will happen. Using this recipe, you can specify a set of keywords that will trigger spam detection, and then use the level of spam certainty returned by the function to decide whether to ignore a user post. https://www.chat-to.dev/post?id=11 #php #programming
Never trust user input on site, always properly sanitize it. There are many auto bots that break captcha and inject the code.
Sure… But assuming you’re running a business, and you want potential future customers to be able to reach you… then you need some sort of contact form, and you’ll get spam on that form which is annoying.
You can avoid a lot of spam by using blacklists of ips. See spamhouse blacklists for example. Also log all users ips who contact you in case you need to block them for spamming.