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The candidate insisted to Fox News that stories of his campaignā€™s issues were just attacks by a ā€œcorporate pressā€ out to get him.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has seen woe after woe in his campaign for the Republican nomination, forcing him to cut staff and actually engage with traditional media outlets.

But the governor seemingly donned a pair of rose-colored lenses in an interview on Fox Newsā€™ MediaBuzz on Sunday, downplaying problems and pointing to his trips to early primary states. Itā€™s there, he told host Howard Kurtz, where heā€™s found his voting audienceā€”once they meet him in person.

ā€œWe were just in Iowa on Friday at the Family Leaders Summit. That was effectively the kickoff to Iowa caucus season,ā€ DeSantis said. ā€œSo Iowans are starting to pay more attention to it. We were able to talk to thousands of people over a two-day period, and the number one thing I hear from people is this. Theyā€™re like, ā€˜Yeah, you know, I knew you did good things in Florida, but I hadnā€™t seen you yet, and now that Iā€™ve seen you, Iā€™m for you.ā€™ā€

DeSantisā€™ claim comes despite an avalanche of media reports about his personal awkwardness and questions about whether he has the charisma to succeed on the trail.

DeSantis framed the barrage of negative press stories as the workings of a ā€œcorporate pressā€ that does not want to see him ā€œdismantle the administrative state.ā€ He insisted the Republican debates would be another vector for highlighting his personality to voters.

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of Republican voters out there, they like what weā€™ve done in Florida. They know Iā€™m a good governor,ā€ DeSantis said. ā€œBut they havenā€™t seen a lot about me up close and personal, so that gives us a great opportunity to be able to share our vision.ā€

Even with six months before a single vote is cast in the race, DeSantisā€™ time to make that case to voters is short.

The candidate has largely limited sit-down interviews to conservative media outlets, such as Fox News and the Christian Broadcasting Network. His finances have been strapped, and he burned through nearly $8 million in the first six weeks of his candidacy, according to an NBC News analysis. DeSantis raised $20 million in the second quarter, millions ahead of Donald Trump, but $14 million of that was from donors who maxed out their donations and $3 million must be set aside for a general election campaign.

There have been signs of a strategy shift. DeSantis fired about 10 event planning staffers on Thursday, according to Politico, though he still boasts the largest campaign staff in the Republican field. CNN also announced that Jake Tapper would interview DeSantis on Tuesday, the governorā€™s first extended interview on the network since 2017.

DeSantis refused to address these issues head-on during his MediaBuzz interview, instead noting just how well he doesā€”once voters meet him.

ā€œThe more Iā€™m out there, the more support we get in these early states, and it is a state-by-state primary,ā€ he said. ā€œSo I think it would be political malpractice to be running for president fixated on national rather than Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina. So thatā€™s what weā€™ve done. You can make up ground, and we are making up ground in all those states. That is not really going to be reflected in the national poll because theyā€™re such small states that youā€™re not going to end up doing that. We have our eye on the prize.ā€

  • HandsHurtLoL@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    If his largest donors have already maxed contributions, then this fundraising model is not sustainable for the transition from primary to general campaigning. Without people on his team who can stretch a dollar (spent $8M in six weeks?!) then heā€™s going to flame out early each quarter.

  • SirEDCaLot@lemmy.fmhy.ml
    1 year ago

    DeSantis framed the barrage of negative press stories as the workings of a ā€œcorporate pressā€ that does not want to see him ā€œdismantle the administrative state.ā€ He insisted the Republican debates would be another vector for highlighting his personality to voters.

    The dude picked a fight with a mouse and lostā€¦ over the ā€˜donā€™t say gayā€™ bill.

    He says a lot of good things, but that above tells me everything I need to know about him- that heā€™s petty and vindictive and will use the power of his office to punish anyone who dares oppose him. Even a company thatā€™s one of his stateā€™s biggest employers, whoā€™s brought literally billions of dollars of trade and investment and tourism to the state. And that for me is a hard pass, even if he says a lot of other good sounding stuff. It says he wonā€™t run the nation for the good of the nation, but for the good of his own agenda.