Prophetic is developing technology to induce lucid dreams, in which CEOs can practice for board meetings and architects can design buildings while asleep.
welp, we finally found something worse than those people who wanted to put billboards in space. the entire tech industry needs to face the fucking wall
welp, we finally found something worse than those people who wanted to put billboards in space. the entire tech industry needs to face the fucking wall
a headset that reliably helped you lucid dream could be amazing. why the fuck would your head go straight to using it for work
literal demons
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
Building a time machine so I can convince a young Martin Luther to wear a metal antenna on his head so the lightning strike actually hits him.
Here Marty, this will help you get closer to God
Just as The Savior intended
They’ll make it like $10k, or $50/month with ads
Because that’s the way to get ghouls to pay a ludicrous amount of money for it