I applaud you for being able to correct the spelling and not come off as an asshole at the same time. That is quite the feat on the internet these days. Not only did you not come off as an asshole you actually linked to further information to educate your fellow netizen. 👏
Zihuatanejo, in case anyone wanted to know the actual spelling and that it’s a real place.
I applaud you for being able to correct the spelling and not come off as an asshole at the same time. That is quite the feat on the internet these days. Not only did you not come off as an asshole you actually linked to further information to educate your fellow netizen. 👏
I didn’t know how to spell it myself when I looked for it. I would have spelled Zijuatanejo, so I got to learn, too. Figured I’d share. 😉
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Glad to contribute.
I was torn between using the spelling that my voice typing used and actually searching for the name with Google to get it for sure correct.
At least I got the first and last letter in the correct place if nothing else.