I bought a couple of AmpliFi HD’s a few years ago now, and I am noticing on one of my mesh points the LAN ports are randomly dropping to 100MBp/s until I reboot it, and then it goes back to 1GBp/s until the next random drop (usually a couple of days, but sometimes as short as 1 hour).

I think it’s time to replace them. Any suggestions here on what to replace it with?
Couple of details:

Located in Australia
Budget is probably around $200-$300 per unit (looking for two units now, but might expand later)
Needs to have ethernet ports on units (ideally 4, but not a deal breaker if 2)
Ideally want to be able to use an ethernet backhaul to connect the mesh points back to the router

Network use is pretty simple, 2 pc’s, laptop, 2 phones, a zigbee network for light bulbs and a TV

  • TomRILReddit@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Many times when a link drops from 1G to 100Mbps, it’s a damaged cable or connector not making good contact.