
The thought of being remembered for something so bland and boring is weirdly scary to me. Maybe Felix was on to something when he talked about how settler-colonialism hollows out your soul and kills any culture, creativity or national identity you might’ve otherwise had. thinky-felix

Edit: 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 SETTLER DOWN 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻

  • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
    10 months ago

    Americans are poor little victims whomst bear no responsibility for the most murderous state on Earth?

    Right away I think this is a strawmen, most people on hexbear don’t believe the second part and when this point is made, well are you ideologically consistent or not? Is propaganda actually real and capitalists control everything or Americans are literally voting for every dumb shit their imperialist masters decide to do? Are we even talking about the same people that can’t even point to most countries on a map? Even if most Americans decide to be “against” [insert current US sponsored genocide/war here] would that actualy change anything at all? Since when is the US actualy influenced by public opinion?

    The core here is reponsibility is not the same as guilt. You can be an accomplice, you can even accept and refuse to do anything to prevent something, But take that to the logical conclusion e.g every American that doesn’t kill a cop on sight is responsible for the next time a pig kills an innocent person. Everyone that doesn’t immidiately murders everyone who works in the MIC is literaly reponsible the for the next drone strike?

    Yes that is a joke but the point is American “responsibility” should always be viewed from the context of class analysis imo, it is the only way to be ideologicaly consistent.

    The second point is that you’re already contradicting yourself here when you say you don’t want nuance but then you’re forced to clarify you’re talking about Euro(white) Americans. That is nuance because POC identify as “American” just as white people, however we decide to pass judgement on this choice it is still a fact and it will only become a more fundamental fact as time becomes and American society becomes even more diverse.

    Also I shouldn’t have to tell you this, but nobody here unironicaly asking for genocide of anyone, even white Americans. Even doomers like me I think the worst outcome would be a WW3 scenario where the victorious army marches onto Washington and changes everything through sheer force, at that point if you’re still fighting for “America” you’re are the enemy and deserve to die, before that point, don’t mistake the discourse in a vacuum here for actual meaningful political theory.

    Also final point, if you go down the hate ladder so much what becomes the real difference between you and some 4chan loser that decides to do a mass shooting in a school or mall? Americans are all “guilty” right? What is the real difference when the outcome is the same? Not saying that is what you’re proposing but what does “not care about the suffering” actualy means in practice isn’t so simple.