• Fal@yiffit.net
    8 months ago

    20-30c is a cool shortcut that F doesn’t really have.

    What kind of shortcut? 68-80 are so massively different. Even if 68 is shorts and t-shirt for you, that means 86 is “uncomfortably hot”. And even if 68 is t-shirt weather, it means at night it’s going to drop probalby 10 degrees. So 68 is “tshirt weather right now, but bring a jacket”, and 86 is “tshirt weather but leave the jacket at home”. and the 10 degree bands of F are perfect for that. 60s is “cool, may or may not require a jacket depending on your preference”. 70s is “nice right now but prepare for cool when the sun goes down”, 80s is “warm, don’t bring a jacket”, etc.

    So sure, we don’t have the “20-30c” shortcut (again, way too big to be useful). We have EVERY 10 degree band as a shortcut

    • ThisOne@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      68-80 are similar temps. I’m comfy at both. I wear the same thing outdoors at both temps.

      I’m sorry you don’t I guess and are offended that someone else is different than you.

      20-30 is easier to understand than 68-80 for most people (obviously there’s an exception)