I remember a match with a friend of mine, where I would give him every turn so much money and loans that he could survive just by a little bit. All of this happend while I was finalising every possible building to make sure, that he would have even less a chance.
This is exactly how it works in real life. We get barly enough money to survive and give us the illusion of free will and hope.
No it’s even worse.
I remember a match with a friend of mine, where I would give him every turn so much money and loans that he could survive just by a little bit. All of this happend while I was finalising every possible building to make sure, that he would have even less a chance.
This is exactly how it works in real life. We get barly enough money to survive and give us the illusion of free will and hope.
It was originally designed and marketed by Quakers as a warning against capitalism.
But capitalism consumed it. Exactly as expected.
Oh man, I did that too as a kid. My dad didn’t like to play those extended games but my 13 year old self just couldn’t understand why!