These darn icons are pissing me off and there’s not a whole lot i can find in the settings. So on the right sys tray, the bluetooth and network icons are perfect; that’s how I want ever icon to be; perfectly sized, it’s clear and detailed, it looks proper; same with the date and clock. The notification, wifi, and battery look awful. they’re huge and bloated and there’s no details to them. now the left side, everything is incredibly small and way to far spaced. How can I configure this darn tray to look PROPER??? thanks

    11 months ago

    You mention ‘the settings’; though it’s ambiguous whether you looked at the desktop’s, wm’s, or panel’s settings – the relevant settings are the panel plugins’ own little settings widgets, which you can call from a right click menu on the panel plugins themselves.

    It’s a bit convoluted; though that’s the so called ‘trade-off’ for Xfce’s modularity.