I haven’t played Cities: Skylines in years, this looks great but hopefully they fixed the stupid traffic AI. I hated that when you built a wider road to decrease congestion half of the cars would ignore the opened lanes and still pile up in the original ones.
You could fix it somewhat with mods, by forcing cars to take specific lanes. Didn’t solve the problem, but it helped. Can’t wait to try the new traffic AI in the sequel.
Widening roads is never a good answer in game or real life, it induces new demand and will eventually become more congested. Need to build a train line instead
This article on their website goes into detail on exactly how they’re planning on fixing the traffic issues. The AI will actually change lanes this time!
I haven’t played Cities: Skylines in years, this looks great but hopefully they fixed the stupid traffic AI. I hated that when you built a wider road to decrease congestion half of the cars would ignore the opened lanes and still pile up in the original ones.
That is one of the areas of the game they specifically worked on to improve. There’s dev diaries about how they improved it.
Nice, I remember that being a huge issue in the original with many people complaining about it
You could fix it somewhat with mods, by forcing cars to take specific lanes. Didn’t solve the problem, but it helped. Can’t wait to try the new traffic AI in the sequel.
Widening roads is never a good answer in game or real life, it induces new demand and will eventually become more congested. Need to build a train line instead
I understand what you’re getting at, but even cities with lots of public transit get choked with traffic in CS1. The traffic AI is abysmal.
Have you tried the expansion pack where you can be car free with Plazas and places?
Yes. Still choked with traffic. You can’t get rid of cars completely.
This article on their website goes into detail on exactly how they’re planning on fixing the traffic issues. The AI will actually change lanes this time!
Sounds realistic though.
do you actually think just adding lanes will infinitely increase the capacity of roads?
Yeah… That’s how these things work ya know. A 4 lane road has higher capacity than a 2 lane road assuming there arent any choke points.
yeah uh, i think you’ll find that you need junctions, which create chokepoints?
even with highways you get chokepoints at the ramps, and they are extremely absurdly costly.
just 1 more lane bro