• cheese_greater@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    That should not be a thing. A referral (even for the initial booking) should always have to go through some professional who can nominally tell its even relevant or therapeutically/diagnostically helpful dr = gatekeeper). I feel like thats an important part of a successfull + efficient public healthcare system.

    Ironically, I feel this has to be matched by an increase in patient self-advocacy or awareness of the need to practice it. Drs are so stretched and have so many patients you need to takean active role in learning to listen to your body and mind and being able to intelligently engage with current or potential matters and to express the need for treatment or further evaluation without resistance.

    Stories where people point out it where [I’m inserting a random generally outrageous example) 2 years to get a referral coughed up by their primary are outrageous to me. I simply would never tolerate that. I personally would ask once and get the referral or to set the granting of it in motion administratively speaking.

    If my dr gave me any lip or resistance I would be finding another while I continue to try and get the referral and waiting to file a formal complaint with the college but that would be an extreme point I don’t think we’d ever actually get to). Just keep booking appts and sit and say whatever you need, same like last time. You just might wear them down enough to give you what you need or direct you towards someone who can and is likely willing