Hoooooooooooooooowdy ho fellow Lemmings. How are we all today?
I’m currently throwing down the last glass of my red wine goon and trying to procrastinate going to bed.
What’s happening in your nape of the woods? Neck of the wape? …Why are you here? Y’know, skarnon?
Extra prompt: what’s your worst personal trait? I’m a grammar and spelling nazi, and even though sometimes I understand what people are saying, if it’s out of context I pretend I have no fucking idea what they’re talking about in order to get them to communicate more effectively.
My worst trait is that I’m lazy and I love to procrastinate. Additionally, you’ll hate me because my spelling and grammar are terrible.
What’s happening in my neck of the woods. Not much, just me being lazy.
It doesn’t help that you’ve been assassinated by the CIA.