For the record I don’t believe in the supernatural but I love hearing others people’s stories and believe that most people aren’t lying.

I’ve personally had a few experiences that I cannot explain and that, in the moment, were quite scary.

What’s your paranormal experience?

  • dbilitated
    1 year ago

    When I was about 15 I woke up at about 4am, super distressed, and I knew someone had died. I didn’t want to go look so I just hoped it wasn’t my mother or father, shamefully I thought it would be better if it was a grandparent. There was a lot of going over possibilities and mental bargaining.

    Eventually I calmed down and realised it was irrational and finally got back to sleep, the following day I found out it was a close friend of my mother’s. She’d killed herself. I don’t understand what happened, I don’t really believe in the supernatural but it was very strange.

      1 year ago

      This happens in my family all the time.

      I had a dream with my aunt. She was in an all white dress in a field waving goodbye at me and she was yelling stuff at me but I couldn’t quite make it out. I was trying to get to her, but I couldn’t get past a fence even though it was like 2 feet tall and I could easily jump over it. It felt like it was a goodbye. After a while I stopped trying to understand and get to her, and just waved goodbye, then the dream ended.

      I woke up and wrote my dream down and went on with my day. It wasn’t until later l found out she had passed away. I was like 10 and at that time and I was very scared, so I didn’t tell my mom about my dream until years later. She told me that happens often in my family

      I don’t necessarily believe in the supernatural either, but some things I don’t think can be explained. Like if it happens once I get it, but this has happened multiple times. I’ve seen my brother wake up from a dream and tell us about how he said goodbye to a family member only to right then and there find out they had passed away. I cannot explain it

      1 year ago

      We get told to not believe in the supernatural but why do you think it’s still around and people still have these experiences?

      I think it just doesn’t fit into the programming we are getting. We are even told to disregard our intuition. In my experience, that’s our guiding light, and if you don’t trust it, you will get lost.