The sidewalks are really dangerous where I am, where they are super uneven, have “artistic” curves, and trees that are overhanging really low so like will hit my body.

I go max 15 MPH on my escooter and if I hear a ding ding I jump onto the sidewalk and go a bit slower until you guys pass, since I’m slower and can dismount easier it only makes sense for me to make room. I figure as long as I make room it “shouldn’t” be a problem.

But just wondering if there are any bike riders that are just like shaking their fist at escooter riders.


    11 months ago

    Where I live, I have hills, big hills in every direction. I own both types of bike, a rad runner 6 for long, fast rides from my house, and then 20 miles up into the mountains along back roads.

    I have a road bike that I bought when I couldn’t really afford it, and paid about 1,000 for it. It’s a tomasso. It’s ok. I wish I had a trek, or a specialized hybrid road with the slightly thicker tires than the tiny ones my road bike has. I can’t really afford those.

    I use the RAD bike more for cardio, generally leave it in pedal assist 2 or 3 and just try to get a quick workout during lunch time. I take the other plain road bike out with a cycling club locally one or two nights a week. I don’t own a car, and I work from home. Biking makes me happy, but I get lazy when it’s really hot, so I ride the e-bikes more when it’s hot.

    I’m 45. It’s not as easy as 45 to build muscle back up and get superfit in a short amount of time. The e-bike helps with cardio and keeps me excited about taking a quick spin without getting totally smoked by all of the hill climbs it takes to get out of my neighborhood, much less through the foothills of the smokies and Appalachians.