I have an unusual name so when I meet new people my brain focuses on their reaction to my name and how they pronounce it, so I completely zone out when they tell me their name. I might remember it for a short time but almost always I forgot their name if I don’t interact with them frequently.
I really really focus on their name. I say it to myself several times in my head. I look them in the eyes…
…and then they ask me what my name is because I was so hyper focused on theirs that I forgot to introduce myself. And then I forget their name due to my embarrassment…
It’s not even a matter of remembering for me. People I have known for years whose name I did not forget… yeah, my brain will just decide nope, today we don’t know their name. It’s so dumb.
What is this “remember people’s names” of which you speak?
Short term, yeah I constantly forget people’s names. If they’ve been part of my life for a bit, their name gets stored in my long term memory and I’ll remember it forever.
Repeat their name a few times. Intentionally use it in sentences.
Also just accept the awkwardness and ask people their names later. No one cares. It’s fine.
Sometimes names have certain colors and I either associate the person with that color or the person already made me think of a certain color that just so happens to fit their name; otherwise, dunno some names are easier to remember than others and there’s no pattern to that for me
Do you ever mix up their name with another name of a similar color? Cuz I feel like I do that
I can’t remember names. The struggle is real.
Sometimes I make puns with the name and create a mental picture of the person with those pictures. For instance, if I get introduced to Spencer, I imagine the person in a top hat and monocle fanning himself with a wad of cash (spend-sir). If it’s a woman named Jackie, I imagine her in martial arts uniform performing a kick.
If I’m not feeling too imaginative, I write a note in my notes app about them so that I can refer to it later on.
Honestly I dont for the most part. It takes many meetings for me and I have to specifically make a point to say their name out loud to them. Ive also found doing a doddle of the person helps me remember the face (but i have some level of face blindness so this may not be necessary)
Yeah, this has caused many awkward moments, especially at work. Saying their name to them out loud is a good idea, I’ll try that!
I worked at my last job for 8 months. When I left there were still four people who I didn’t know which was which. I knew what the four names were, because they were on the schedule, but I never worked with those four, so I still have no clue which face goes with which name, lol.
I forget even important names, and people are shocked when they see I can’t tell them who X is, and I have to come up with some excuse as to why I couldn’t say it 🫣
I don’t even know my doctor’s name 😅
Happened to me at the dentist and it was so embarrassing.
I repeat their name back to them (helps a little, makes sure I heard right), tell them straight up l probably forget their name a couple times, and once they walk away I repeat their name a few times while trying to picture their face/anything interesting about them.
It semi works, but I’ve also let them know in advance that if I forget, it’s normal for me and not that I don’t care.
I also try to say their name often in conversation with/about them to help solidify it in my brain… But then they quit the job (most people I meet are at work, and turnover is high) and I start alllll over again with someone new. Sigh
My secret is, I don’t! I just skip over names and wait until someone else fills in the gap for me :)