Learning git was like every other cool tech thing for me (including the fediverse). People explain it in such a convoluted way. It’s like they think you want to understand the deep theory of it before you get up and running!
Yes, git is more than just a “save box”, but really, new users should absolutely just think about it as a save box. Learn the fancy shit later.
Honestly this is me. At this point I really should know better but I dont, and every tuorial seems to be speaking a whole new language. Any tips for where to learn this?
Learning git was like every other cool tech thing for me (including the fediverse). People explain it in such a convoluted way. It’s like they think you want to understand the deep theory of it before you get up and running!
Yes, git is more than just a “save box”, but really, new users should absolutely just think about it as a save box. Learn the fancy shit later.
Honestly this is me. At this point I really should know better but I dont, and every tuorial seems to be speaking a whole new language. Any tips for where to learn this?