President cites Ukraine intelligence that Moscow has mined Zaporizhzhia nuclear station and sent away staff

    1 year ago

    That’s part why them fucking about at Chernobyl was highly concerning.

    Nature and soil in that area have absorbed much of the damaging materials, if Russia were to set fire to the forests there, all that would be released and spread across a wide area.

    The one thing holding them back is that depending on the wind, this fallout can just as easily contaminate Russia as it can the rest of Europe.

    Same with this instance, especially since the nuclear plant is also close to Russia. They may try to disable it to sabotage the electricity, but damaging it in a way that creates fallout will pose as much a risk to their own land as it does to Europe.

    And then you realize that Russia doesn’t give a shit about its own people or apparently any territory outside Moscow and Saint Petersburg.
    And you realize those considerations are rational and Russia and its leadership can’t be considered a rational actor at any point anymore.