• Whirlybird
    1 year ago

    What does this mean?

    In total, America’s pumped nearly $25 billion of non-military aid into Ukraine’s economy since the invasion began – and you can see it working at the bustling farmers market on John McCain Street in central Kyiv.

    Legit question, I don’t know. I’d also heard it was just weapons/tanks/etc, but that doesn’t seem like it would fit in the “non-military aid” category but in the “military aid” category which is $45 billion.

    Biden is also asking congress for another $13 billion in defense aid, along with $8 billion for “humanitarian support”: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-asks-congress-for-13-billion-to-support-ukraine/

    Humanitarian support wouldn’t be more weapons and tanks. That sounds like it would be sending money or spending money on things, doesn’t it?