If you click on the “more” button under a comment or link there will be an activity tab. In this tab you can see everyone who has boosted, favourited or reduced the post. I’m not sure if this a
Is a good feature but it’s interesting to see when someone decides to reduce all of your content for no reason.
Reddit’s comments were archived by third parties too, it’s possible to download a backup of everything ever posted to it. Ironically enough the API changes will make that a lot harder to accomplish now, though it can still be done.
Even more ironically I’m using this offline backup to dig out my comments id’s so I can delete them surgically in the live database.
Turned out that I had more than 30k comments on reddit. Just to give an idea of how much of reddit content can remain if you delete using the API in a “normal” way. I managed to only delete like 900 of them in the “normal” way.
If I had more time I would have made a double entry database where a user could return a list of his comments id’s based on his username. That would have purged the database way more efficiently.
Since I will likely never come this close to an opportunity to brag about it again, as of last night I had 53,532 Reddit comments in my own offline archive of “things I’ve commented on.” I’ve been using a script to copy them for future reference, after this long on Reddit I find myself semi-frequently thinking “haven’t I had this argument before?” And then on checking finding that yes I did, four years ago. Simplifies things greatly to be able to copy and paste chunks of my old arguments into the new thread.