Knowing what the different States are and different cities (for the title text) is pretty important. As someone who is from outside the United States, I wouldn’t’ve been surprised if “Pennsylvania Wiring” was really a standard of wiring.
Welcome! If you need to charge your phones, note that this house has Yokohama wiring, but we have Nagoya and Shikoku adapters available.
You can leave at any time through the door over there. It’s a shoji door, so you’ll need to find a compatible knob. No, don’t be silly, that one is a fusuma knob! Of course it won’t fit.
Knowing what the different States are and different cities (for the title text) is pretty important. As someone who is from outside the United States, I wouldn’t’ve been surprised if “Pennsylvania Wiring” was really a standard of wiring.
It would’ve been the exact same gag if these were Italian or Japanese or whatever.