Wayland. It comes up a lot: “Bug X fixed in the Plasma Wayland session.” “The Plasma Wayland session has now gained support for feature Y.” And it’s in the news quite a bit lately with the announcement that Fedora KDE is proposing to drop the Plasma X11 session for version 40 and only ship the Plasma Wayland session. I’ve read a lot of nervousness and fear about it lately. So today, let’s talk about it!

  • danielton@lemmy.frozeninferno.xyz
    1 year ago

    I’ve been using Linux since 2004. Back then, it didn’t even have nearly the marketshare it does today, and Android didn’t exist, but boycotts and protests have worked anyway. Many times. Even nvidia themselves changed their tune with their motherboard chipset drivers.

    By your logic, all these hardware manufacturers should just give up and refuse to support Linux at all. It sounds like that’s what you are advocating for.