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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/patsay on 2023-06-28 15:14:06+00:00.

When my son was in high school, I gave him a box of expensive, gourmet Chapel Hill Toffee for Christmas. Then he started asking me to put it on the grocery list. I told him it was a special treat, not a staple, and it wouldn’t go on the list, and he argued with me.

So, when I was at Costco, I found a huge jar of good toffee. Not as good as the small batch gourmet Chapel Hill Toffee, but still good toffee. I bought it and stored it in my closet and filled up the Chapel Hill Toffee box. I put the CHT box full of Costco toffee in the pantry.

For about a month, he ate the Costco toffee. I continued to fill the fancy small box with toffee from the bulk container in my closet. Then I finally just put the (now half-full) big Costco toffee container in the pantry and waited for him to notice. It took a few days.

He was not amused.

“But was the toffee good? You certainly ate it, and didn’t complain about it.”

I think he was being a bit of an asshole to demand/expect expensive toffee after he had been gifted it, so my actions were justified and amusing. I admit that I tricked him, but it was a harmless trick and he enjoyed the toffee.

He’s still kind of mad about the deception. My neighbor recently gifted us a box of Chapel Hill Toffee, which caused me to recall the incident from 5 years ago. I laughed about it, but he did not.

      1 year ago

      That is an ad for Costco toffee or the way too expensive toffee? Because what I’m thinking is why would I bother spending a lot on small batch toffee when Costco’s is indistinguishable?