“It is right for Europe to equip itself to play its part but gullible to think it can do so on its own, outside the framework” of NATO, noted Meloni.
“It is right for Europe to equip itself to play its part but gullible to think it can do so on its own, outside the framework” of NATO, noted Meloni.
Yeah exactly. Meloni has ripped apart lesbian families already. She’s only pro-EU because she’s Italy First. Italy is in the EU. Right now, this suits her position.
But she also praised Trump when he was elected. And while she sees Putin as a threat to Italy, she is ideologically closer to Trump than she is to the EU in many ways.
I’ll take your word on her praising Orban. Meloni is sharp and she understands posture and signals. This is a signal.
Ultimately she’ll probably fall in line with the other fascists. I feel like Italy could flip to Axis/Anerica/Russia if it gets bad enough. Which is one of my long term fears.
So, I agree with you. I’m rooting for the EU. Italy hasn’t had a good leader in a very very long time.
I agree with almost everything you say, except for her seeing Putin as a threat. In Italy there is a surprisingly diffused narrative that sees Russians as the best estimators, and therefore lovers, of Italy.
And that is true in the same way as locusts are the best estimators and lovers of crops.
Meloni has been winking at Putin since 2014
Oh that’s interesting. Thank you it’s great to know. I was just quoting Meloni directly—she’s stated verbatim in speeches last September (if my memory is correct) that she sees Russia as a threat. Now, do we take her word for it? Probably not. Probably not. It was a my a talk about EU/Nato defense spending.
I agree with you here-she’s absolutely saying one thing to the EU and keeping a backup plan with Putin. That’s what I really think too.
It’s funny you mention Locusts. I mentioned this analogy to someone recently. I see it exactly the same. Locusts triggering serotonin spikes in otherwise normal grasshoppers to join their locust swarm. And the swarm consumes and eats everything. And then when there’s nothing left to eat they eat each other and die.
Lack of territory, lack of resource, and high population density make locusts. I don’t think we are that much different .
They came for the crops, and I didn’t care because I was not a crop…