Are you sure it wasn’t just poor build quality that led to these Tesla’s spontaneously exploding? They’ve been known to do that.
let’s hope we never learn the arsonist’s names
Oh no save the swasticars…
Increase those insurance rates baby!
On a human level and as an owner of a 2021 Tesla Model 3 that was purchased second hand to in part not give Musk anymore money, I feel for the innocent people who are being harassed or prejudiced by others who are not acting in a kind or compassionate way. As the article states, vandalism and violent acts undermine more effective peaceful protests and boycotts. Damaging the cars on Tesla lots will just put more money (from insurance) in Tesla’s coffers. Please people, don’t take out your rage against innocent people to make some point. There are more effective and humane ways to do that. Choose peace.
Choose peace
You probably shouldn’t have started with: as an owner of a 2021 Tesla Model 3
This all just looks like little more than self interest dressed up as a humane outtake
You knew Musk owned Telsa and was a right wing nazi and bought it anyway
- owner of a Hyundai Ioniq so as to not have anything to do with Tesla
We bought the car to save money on gas due to regular work trips since my wife’s car also had a good trade in value. It was and remains largely a financial and pragmatic decision. The car was purchased in 2022 and the political situation was different from now.
If we were in the same situation last year or this year, we likely wouldn’t have purchased a Tesla as other solid options are now available. We get a lot of utility out of the car and it is now paid off. Again, back to finances and pragmatism, not ideology. If current issues lead to insurance rates going up to an unacceptable amount, we will strongly consider selling the Tesla and acquiring another EV.
The people are inflamed, you might say. I think Elon has many well funded enemies, I don’t think randos with vandalistic intentions are just expressing their frustration when it comes to the fires. The petty vandalism yeah. Could be I just relate car fires to being a more organized crime specialty, there’s a fair bit of the murder/car fire combo where I live. I dunno tho.
How do you know the teslas didn’t just spontaneously combust though.
They do that sometimes.