100%. The only redeeming quality of boredom is that it encourages you to go out and gain other interests and skills in the absence of other entertainment, but that’s more in the “I’m done with my homework and have nothing to do for the next 2 hours until dinner” sense. And even before smartphones, TV, booze, and weed easily filled that niche if you weren’t careful.
The problem is most people don’t ever have that time because they’re too busy working multiple jobs to pay your slave rents and what time they do have between that is take it up by house chores. I wish I had the time and energy to do a hobby, or the money which is also frequently an issue for anything I’d like to do. No seriously if I had money and energy and time I’d be doing a half dozen different creative Hobbies
100%. The only redeeming quality of boredom is that it encourages you to go out and gain other interests and skills in the absence of other entertainment, but that’s more in the “I’m done with my homework and have nothing to do for the next 2 hours until dinner” sense. And even before smartphones, TV, booze, and weed easily filled that niche if you weren’t careful.
The problem is most people don’t ever have that time because they’re too busy working multiple jobs to pay your slave rents and what time they do have between that is take it up by house chores. I wish I had the time and energy to do a hobby, or the money which is also frequently an issue for anything I’d like to do. No seriously if I had money and energy and time I’d be doing a half dozen different creative Hobbies