This is only mind blowing because popular media likes to show every dinosaur at once. Like there’s a lot of things depicting stegosaurus fighting T-Rex; but these animals never would have met. They’re from entirely different periods.
This makes me wonder if there is any possibility that someone who worked on the pyramids knew what roast mammoth tasted like. I suspect the possibility is 0 due to geography, but maybe someone got sick of being cold and happened to be an architect?
This is only mind blowing because popular media likes to show every dinosaur at once. Like there’s a lot of things depicting stegosaurus fighting T-Rex; but these animals never would have met. They’re from entirely different periods.
How dare you suggest DinoTrux lied to us!!!
If gasoline is made from dinosaurs, what did the Dinotrux run on?
The blood of their enemies!!!
Jurassic drugs!
DinoTrux drove the earth for such a long time BP Oil® existed while DinoTrux drove the earth.
You can tell because non of them has feathers.
We live closer to the time of T-Rex than T-Rex lived to the time of Stegosaurus.
67 million years separate us from T-Rex.
83 million years separate T-Rex from Stegosaurus. (150 million years between us and Stegosaurus)
on a similar note: When cleopatra lived, the pyramids were already ancient
There were still mammoth when the pyramids were being built.
This makes me wonder if there is any possibility that someone who worked on the pyramids knew what roast mammoth tasted like. I suspect the possibility is 0 due to geography, but maybe someone got sick of being cold and happened to be an architect?
There are people around right now who know how roast mammoth tastes.
Cleopatra lived closer to t-rex than us
Only if we assume they can’t be ressurected
Technically correct, just as yesterday was closer to the formation of the moon than today is.
You were born after cleopatra died 🫠🤑👻
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how? cleopatra was born in 69 BC, last trex died around 65 million years ago
What i meant is that cleopatra was closer in time to t-rex than we are to t-rex
Wtf 🤯