The screen isn’t really full in this one as I started these while the 5l meshpot hydros were still in use. So theyre just sort of passive hydros, but I mean to make them active by next grow. You can see the screen didn’t fill up fully here. I could’ve stretched it, but it would’ve wasted time a bit imo with how the plants were.
Sorry I got a new phone in December so I don’t have any photos older than that on this.
All the actually filled up screens.
But do have pictures from pretty much all grows from previous 20 years
The screen isn’t really full in this one as I started these while the 5l meshpot hydros were still in use. So theyre just sort of passive hydros, but I mean to make them active by next grow. You can see the screen didn’t fill up fully here. I could’ve stretched it, but it would’ve wasted time a bit imo with how the plants were.
Sorry I got a new phone in December so I don’t have any photos older than that on this.
All the actually filled up screens.
But do have pictures from pretty much all grows from previous 20 years