U.S. officials familiar with the planning said options for “reclaiming” the vital waterway include close cooperation with Panama’s military and, absent that, possible war.
Illegal wars are a wonderfull distraction from kleptocracy.
Sheesh, if I had $1.1 trillion every time a Republican administration tried that trick…
technically it’s not a war it’s a ‘спецопера́ция’
What did we hear from Trumpers last year, that he was the candidate for peace or some such shit?
They meant a candidate for ‘piece.’ A piece of this country, a piece of that country.
Ah, my mistake lol.
Can our military just step up already and take these fuckers out? They are duty-bound to refuse unlawful orders.
And these people are fucking traitors.
25th Amendment also applies here. Orange hitler is obviously deranged and dangerous.
Never going to happen. They have given everything to MAGA, if Trump is out of the picture then it’s game over. No one cares about Vance, the population would be so enraged he would be impeached and removed faster then you can imagine.
Even if his orders are lawful, they’ve sworn an oath to defend the constitution from all threats foreign and domestic: they’re duty bound to engage him in the exact same way they do with a combatant from Isis or something. Donald Trump is an enemy to the US.
I miss when I would wake up and check the news and nothing particularly crazy was going on. Like you would click on the TV and they are talking about a zoo that recently got a baby giraffe or something.
But why??
He wants to be a strongman and he realizes peoples’ impression of him is nearly as small as his penis.
How optimistic of you thinking he has a dick. He’s a clean cut choir boy. Aaaaaameeeeen.
He is not mushroom shaped though.
Papa Putin says so.
Because you can’t really invade a place full of white people like Greenland or Canada. Even the diehard Trump fans would probably not be okay with that. On the other hand, a country full of poor, brown people that have only ever been fucked over by America? Well shit, we can’t wait to bomb them! George Carlin explained it, America loves bombing brown people. Anyone in the US military with the slightest amount of backbone will not follow these illegal orders. See the Nuremberg Trials if you’re not sure what an illegal order looks like. They aren’t even trying with a WMD hoax, this is just an illegal invasion.
Even the diehard Trump fans would probably not be okay
Given the number of diehard trump fans who wish harm to other members of the US and agitate for an internal war, I doubt this is true for the majority of them.
You may be right. When logic and reason are your enemy, no one will be able to guess your next move (apparently kicking self in nuts repeatedly).
Join us tomorrow for the next exciting episode of, “Ow, My Balls!!!”
Give Fox News 6 months of their two minutes hate bullshit and Trumpers will be frothing at the mouth for Canadian blood. Americans have already proven that we’ll follow a blatant liar into war if the propaganda sets the tone for it.
And then in 10 years everyone gets to pretend that they were ‘against it the whole time’ like they did with the Iraq War.
Maybe, but relationships between the American and Canadian military are way too entrenched, even if it was a direct order, it’s pretty hard to suddenly point your weapons at someone who’s been a dedicated ally. Though I won’t blame Canadians for being more than a little pissed for quite some time, I just don’t see how this would actually happen.
I entirely agree we shouldn’t do it, but I don’t believe it would necessarily be an illegal order to follow.
Invading a sovereign country for overtly offensive reasons isn’t against any particular military law, it’s just shitty.
The president doesn’t have the power to declare war, only to do everything involved in a war, but I don’t think that would actually make any of the orders illegal, unless they were to explicitly do some war crimes or some such.
“What?! There’s brown people there? BOMB THEM!!1!”
Putin knows that one of the quickest ways to destroy the US is if the rest of western civilization abandons it. Russia saw firsthand how quickly nearly the entire world joined in to sanction and abandon them when they invaded Ukraine with that bullshit story. The Panama shit is an even worse excuse, almost guaranteed to turn the western world fully against the US.
However, it’s also physically separated enough from the US that Americans at home that don’t pay attention won’t be directly affected to turn against it with retaliation, the Republican base is racist and narcissistic enough to back it seriously, and with a large enough power imbalance so unlike Ukraine there’s no chance of a prolonged conflict.
The infrastructure isn’t in place yet for them to just do whatever they want and arrest every protester like Russia does, so they do have to still take that into account, Panama is remote and unknown to a large portion of the population sadly. But the building of Panama Canal is something that many learned about in school as a pivotal historical infrastructure project. Something still in use today and referenced in the news even though they may not know where it is. For the America is Best narcissist, taking back what “we” built is an admirable goal.
The lake that feeds it is not recharging fast enough so they’re limiting passage of ships and making them take longer and more dangerous routes. So he’s probably planning to commit ecocide on the lake for the handful of years it can sustain the canal at max capacity but long enough to stymie other routes being planned or built.
My theory:
Panama controls a major trade route and charges shitloads of money for each ship that passes.
Same reason for Canada. The North-West Passage is melting and will be open year round in the not too distant future.
The same makes sense for Greenland if you consider Russia as a trade partner with lots of raw metals. Plus Greenland itself may have oil. Again, this when the ice melts completely.
Penile dysmorphic disorder
I could totally see this going sideways because they removed quality leadership, engineers, and soldiers via racism.
I’m sure the political party that rushed the country into a war over an obvious lie and then told soldiers they’d just have to deal with their Humvees not having any armor for a few months while they were being ordering to patrol around the IED capitol of the world will feel just awful about it for as long as they’re on camera
Fuck Trump. I can’t believe the shit this useless rapist is putting the world through. He needs to eat dirt.
then-President Jimmy Carter transferred sovereignty to Panama in the late 1970s.
We’re literally just invading another country to take their property. Which to be fair IS a long rich American tradition, but gawdamnit it has to stop.
-How full of explosives should we make the canal?
What canal? All I see is C4.
(Edit: pack the ends of the canal with giant shrapnel)
Will this make eggs cheaper?
No, but it will severely disrupt golabl trade and make everything more expensive so you don’t think about eggs anymore.
… then Profit?
Wow. Really? Like really really?
We’re now gonna massacre a bunch of Panamanians for a shipping canal? Fuck.
Well, now that they clearly have great OPSEC, I hope Panama sabotages the hell out of it.
I think Panama did say they’d destroy the canal before they’d allow it to be taken. I took a cursory look for that tidbit, but the news feeds about the canal are blown up at the moment.
If I had to wager a guess, destroying the canal wouldn’t stop a takeover. Rebuilding it would be a fraction of the price of the war.
And don’t try telling me that the cost of the war will be much higher than just the military occupation because of shipping costs going up from the canal being shut down, the cost of actually maintaining the place, riots, etc because the idiots who want this wouldn’t listen for long enough to think about that anyway.
And the cost of the war would be a fraction of the money lost during the length of rebuilding. Remember that ship that blocked the Suez? Less than a week and cost nearly $10 billion. It would likely take years, plural, to get Panama functional again.
No clue what either would cost, but that’s part of why I threw my so disclaimer in
Isn’t the Panama Canal basically running out of water? They should act like they’ve been cowed, sell it to us for a ton of money, and laugh all the way to the bank.
The Orange Turd is planning on taking a shit on Panama.
How does this pan out if one had to guess? Will other affected countries/powers allow this? I’m guessing anything from WW3 to nothing should be expected
Called it. Can’t be arsed to look up the exact comment but I literally said he’d park a carrier on each end of the canal and would do this.