Basically the EU’s new “tech regulations” have managed to not affect a single European company except one, which isn’t happy about it and wants to be exempted.

It does seem like Europe can’t cultivate any meaningful innovation, but is perfectly happy to tell foreign companies how to operate worldwide.

  • bouncing@partizle.comM
    1 year ago

    It is astonishing how badly the DSO is being implemented. They swore up and down that it wasn’t an attempt to stifle foreign competition, and that a great many domestic companies would be subject to the rules. Then they only named one domestic company that can likely get out of any real oversight.

    Meanwhile, US companies will have to:

    identify, analyse, and assess systemic risks that are linked to their services … [including] media freedom and pluralism … gender-based violence.

    I’ll be interested to learn about’s “risk” to the media and pluralism.

    What they mean by media in particular is surely the insolvency of newspapers. Meaning, “how can we tax American companies to prop up our failing industries?”