Rather than me clogging this community with my nonsense, I’m making a single unified thread for the Lonely Galaxy. Most of this will be reposted from the corresponding megathread on the CBB forum[1].

The yinrih

If you’ll forgive the AI-generated horror show, this is the closest I’ve managed to depicting how the yinrih look in my head, with a few discrepancies explained below.

Here are a few of my own artistic attempts at depicting them.

Humans often refer to yinrih as monkey foxes because they appear to have the head of a fox and the body of a new world monkey. They are quadrupeds with prehensile, six-toed paws and a prehensile tail. The body is covered in fur, but the palms, soles, and last joint of the digits are hairless, revealing grayish black skin underneath.

Yinrih are plantigrade, with the palms of the paws bearing their weight. Each paw consists of an inner thumb, four fingers, and an outer thumb. The tips of the digits have sharp, iron-enriched claws used for climbing and defense. There are doglike paw pads on the palms and on the underside of each digit.

They have sharp, carnivorous teeth, a whiskery muzzle with a wet nose, and erect fox-like ears.

The eyes work very differently than those of Terran animals. If human eyes are cameras, yinrih eyes are radio receivers. Each “eye” is an array of millions of nanoscopic antennas sitting on a shared ground plane that couple with ambient electromagnetic radiation like a radio. The surface of the eye is very good at absorbing visible light, making it look like the eyes are coated in Vantablack. Between these nantenna patches and their primary eyelids, there are four pairs of bandpass membranes that filter incoming light. Between these bandpass membranes and signal processing in the brain, yinrih ‘tune’ to different light spectra. They have a much, much wider visual spectrum than humans, able to see microwaves at the low end and non-ionizing UV radiation at the high end, but they can’t perceive the entire spectrum all at once.

Their senses of smell, hearing, and touch are much more acute than a human’s. They rely more on pheromones then on body language to communicate emotion. You don’t say “I feel happy” you say “I smell happy”. A yinrih’s natural musk identifies things like gender, age, and whether or not they have had children. Yinrih have expanded this olfactory communication to include complex perfumes that serve the communicative and social functions that clothes do for humans.

Having fur means they don’t require clothes for sun or cold protection, and they rely heavily on the tactile information gained through their paws, so yinrih are perennially naked and unshod.

They are arboreal, and move through the trees by brachiating (swinging hand over hand). This arboreal lifestyle dovetails nicely with living in microgravity, and there are orbital colonies of spacers who live permenantly in zero G so they can overcome the limitations of their quadrupedal stance, now having four hands instead of four feet.

One of the secrets to the yinrih’s meteoric rise up the tech tree, achieving spaceflight a mere five thousand Earth years after gaining sapience, is the writing claw. In each forepaw there is an ink sac located near the knuckle of their index finger. A duct leads from the sac to the tip of the claw, which has evolved to look and act like the nib of a fountain pen. Their ink is blue-black and smells strongly of petrichor, and carries the same pheromones as their ambient musk.

AS nonsapient animals the yinrih used this writing claw to mark territory. A written language emerged out of this scent marking behavior in parallel with a spoken language. They have historical records reaching back to the dawn of sapience, with the earliest written records being from “kindled” (sapient) yinrih who were born into otherwise nonsapient litters to nonsapient parents, only discovering their differences after leaving their litters and finding other sapient yinrih.

Postures and Gaits

One of the two resting positions yinrih can assume while in a gravity well. This is referred to in English as perching, and the piece of furniture is referred to as a perch. Yinrih straddle the perch on the belly as they would the branch of a tree, leaving their paws and tail to hang freely. A desk may be located under the perch, and the user manipulates objects on the desk with the freely hanging paws and tail.

This is the typical seat of a vehicle cockpit, but such an arrangement can also be found as computer workstations. The yinrih lies on his or her back, gripping a keyer in each of the four paws. Paw keyers use chords of simultaneous key presses to input text and other commands. If analog controls are present, they will be located at the base of the chair to be manipulated by the tail.

Yinrih prefer HUD specs (AR goggles or glasses) rather than screens in most cases. A pair of Google Glass-like HUD specs and a single paw keyer, possibly along with a tail gesture ring, are the typical tools that serve as a portable computer or smartphone.

In addition to perching and lying on the back, yinrih can rear up on their hind feet, preferably with the tail wrapped around something for balance. This posture allows the use of the forepaws to manipulate objects, but it is more energy-intensive than perching or lying belly up. They can also “sit” in canine fashion with the palms of all four paws touching the ground.

In microgravity, they an anchor themselves in place by wrapping the tail around a tail bar, leaving all four paws free for grasping and manipulating controls and such.

A yinrih’s rear paws are just as dexterous as their forepaws. Buttons and other controls are designed to be tactilely distinct so they can be used with the rear paws without looking, and a braille-like tactile alphabet is used even by sighted yinrih for labels on controls and small objects so they can be identified by touch alone.

The Star Hearth

A star hearth is a type of fusion reactor used in the Claravian liturgy. The hearth is kept in good repair by the hearthkeeper, a priestess of the Bright Way. The building that houses the star hearth is called a lighthouse, which serves as a house of worship.

In former times, the star hearth powered the homes of the faithful as well as the lighthouse itself. After the War of Dissolution, however, the custom of merely powering the lighthouse while selling the excess electricity back to the municipal power company in order to cover operational costs was imposed across Focus.

It’s possible I’ll have to quit Lemmy the same way I had to quit Reddit two years ago. Silly monkey brain like big number, and the voting system is addictive for me. Gotta have those imaginary internet points lol. If I do end up quitting, I have a Neocities page[2], and if you’re interested in the Commonthroat language, there’s a comprehensive grammar on Frathwiki[3].

  1. Megathread on the CBB ↩︎

  2. The Lonely Galaxy on Neocities ↩︎

  3. The Commonthroat language on FRathwiki ↩︎

  • early_riser@lemmy.radioOP
    3 days ago

    Paw Morphology

    Paw Morphology

    The arrangement of palmar pads on the forepaws is sexually dimorphic.[1] Males have three large pads, with one pad at the base of each thumb, and another directly under the knuckles. Females have the same two lower pads, but the single upper pad is replaced by several smaller pads in order to make room for a lactation patch. The lactation patch appears as an undifferentiated patch of grayish-black skin, the same as the rest of the furless portion of the paw. When exposed to saliva, the patch begins oozing bluish-white milk.

    Vulpithecine ink and milk evolved out of similar excretory structures, which is why they are both located on the forepaws, and why the milk is bluish. The milk has potent antimicrobial properties to account for the fact it’s being excreted from a surface in constant contact with the ground. Lactation is not linked to the reproductive cycle, and may occur at any time after reaching maturity. The on demand nature of lactation evolved in order to make climbing easier. If lactation happened automatically it would make for slippery paws at inopportune times.

    1. (Doylist explanation: If dogs sweat through their paws, and monotremes sweat milk, then monotreme dogs should sweat milk through their paws. At least I think that’s why I did this. I honestly can’t remember lol.) ↩︎

  • early_riser@lemmy.radioOP
    4 days ago

    Rather than continuously adding to the OP, I’m going to post replies. Feel free to comment either on the root of the thread or as a reply to a specific comment.

    Here’s a geopolitical map of Focus, the yinrih’s home star system. As is conventional in a lot of sci-fi, the name of the star can serve as the name of the whole system. Humanity’s home system is referred to as Sol.

    Random Facts about Each Body:


    The Bright Way refers to a star hosting sapient life, especially their own, as a hearth star (not to be confused with a star hearth). All yinrih languages have a simple word for sun, but since humans can’t utter vulpithecine speech sounds we decided to give their star a nice classical name. The Latin word focus means hearth, and a star serves as one of the foci of an elliptical orbit, so the word seemed fitting all things considered.


    The closest planet to Focus, Hearthside is tidally locked. The region around the substellar point is called The Nightless Desert. The capital city, located directly on the substellar point, is known as the City of Eternal Noon. There is a green belt running along the terminator. The City of Eternal Noon is the center of religious government of the Bright Way. Politically the planet is an ecclesiocratic republic, economically it is destributist (respecting private property while being aggressively anti-corporate). Companies must either be privately owned or cooperatives. There is no public stock market, and citizens are forbidden from holding a stake in a foreign company. Hearthside retains a unique language, but most citizens are proficient Commonthroat speakers as well.


    An ocean planet, Sweetwater is the innermost member of the Allied Worlds. It’s famous for its class disparity. There is a wealthy upper class living in underwater cities, and an underclass of surface-dwellers in roving ships and submarines. Some make a living fishing or mining, while others are pirates. There are a few small fixed islands, but there are also free-floating rafts of vegetation large and dense enough to support entire forests. These mobile islands have no fixed topography, and undulate along with the waves. As such it is nearly impossible to build fixed structures on them, and they are very popular with Atavists and others who seek to live a primitive lifestyle.


    The cradle of the yinrih species, and one of only two planets in the galaxy to naturally give rise to life. The planet is the center of political power of the Allied Worlds. It is also the urheimat of the Commonthroat language. After the formation of the Allied Worlds, regional languages were slowly supplanted by Commonthroat across the AW, but substrate vocabulary remains.


    The first planet to be terraformed. The first wave of colonists started a machine-worshiping cult.


    The first of the two gas giants (or if you want to be pedantic, the only gas giant with Moonlitter being an ice giant). There are floating cities in the upper atmosphere that mine and refine economically exploitable gasses. There are also a few moons, and their inhabitants, called moonies, are seen as rustic and uncultured. The moony accent of Commonthroat carries many of the same stereotypes as the Southern American accent.

    The Inner Belt

    The first of the two asteroid belts, and home of the Spacer Confederacy. The SC is a less a unified polity and more a very loose collection of independent city states that group together solely to defend their sovereignty against bigger players. These city-states take the form of orbital colonies that go from asteroid to asteroid mining and selling the minerals in order to keep the lights on. One of these city-states is Wayfarers’ Haven, which started out as a refugee camp of Moonlitter citizens fleeing a Partisan border expansion. The Dewfall departs from Wayfarers’ Haven, making the tiny colony the first nonhuman polity to have diplomatic relations with Earth.


    An ice giant with many moons. Moonlitter is caught in the middle of the cold war between the AW and the Partisans. Its government is notoriously unstable, as both the AW and the Partisans fight for the hearts and minds of its citizens. Border skirmishes between Moonlitter and the Partisans are common. When Moonlitter allowed Welkinstead to establish a military outpost near their border, the Partisans retaliated by glassing the dwarf planet Pilgrims’ Rest. Fortunately the AW peacekeepers evacuated the residents to the inner belt before their home was destroyed, which is how Wayfarers’ Haven was founded.

    The Outer Belt

    A resource-rich region politically divided between Moonlitter and Partisan Territory. Both polities share a common language, Outlander, but the Partisan dialect is much more conservative thanks to government efforts to stave of encroachment of Allied Worlds media and with it the spread of Commonthroat.