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“The measles gave you lifetime protection against measles infection,” - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
If only there was another proven way of doing this without the risk of serious complications of getting sick.
What an insane thing to say.
Well that sort of is what a vaccine is…
Fascinating, I get downvoted a lot, ok, I can see that this might not have been the best joke, that is fine, but apparently I am factually wrong as well, though no one could be bothered to tell me why.
The measle vaccine injects a very weakened version of the measle virus. The point is that the body doesn’t like these body-foreign entities and thus tries to destroy them, getting “trained” to do the same when a real measles virus enters your body.
Since the weakened measles virus most likely doesn’t reproduce, you don’t really have the measles (the disease).
Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor.
Well that is a matter of definition, I consider breaking a finger and breaking a leg to both mean that you have broken a bone.
Your body still fights the measle virus, you are still infected with it, even if it is a lesswr variant.
If someone threw the dead body of a robber into a store, would you also call that store being robbed?
I get what you mean, but if you read the comment I responded to, it mentions a weakened version of the virus, not a dead one.
No, no it isn’t. If you aren’t just being a snarky bastard and want the difference explained, ask.
Ok, I get it, wrong place for a joke, though the general concept of a vaccine is to infect you with a weak/dead version of the agent causing the infection causing the body to learn how to fight the real thing.
mRNA vaccines do differ in that they send in building blocks for the body to produce the weak strain itself.
Measles silently wipes clean the immune system’s memory of past infections. In this way, the virus can cast a long and dangerous shadow for months, or even years, scientists are finding. The resulting “immune amnesia” leaves people vulnerable to other viruses and bacteria that cause pneumonia, ear infections and diarrhea.
Those aftereffects make measles “the furthest thing from benign,” says infectious disease epidemiologist and pathologist Michael Mina of Harvard University. “It really puts you at increased susceptibility for everything else.” And that has big consequences, recent studies show.
This is so frustrating. When covid hit, my wife and I were I’m that first wave. Her sister came to stay with us before it was in the spotlight and she caught it in the airport and we caught it from her. My wife couldn’t stand for more than 20 -30 minutes at a time for a year or more after. She had a slew of health problems that have only recently started to go away. If she caught the measles and that wiped the slate for covid… I dont even want to imagine.
She ended up in the psych ward twice since then because of how much it stripped her of just normal life stuff for so long. And for it to possibly happen again by something completely preventable is just fucking rage inducing.
What if we could simulate everyone getting the measles without actually getting the real disease?
You first
People are literally going to die because of him.
What a fucking moron.
He’s making money with the grift to lie to Americans and act out a role. Money/“power” has fried these people’s minds to the point they tell you how to die. I hate these people with a passion, skip the measles, they should just die in a fiery car crash.
It would be better if he dropped the fuck dead on live tv.
It sure would be a shame… If he caught measles.
He may of honestly
What a crazy guy
Doesn’t deserve it. Deserves to die in a fire, slowly.
You guys might want to check your vaccinations are up to date…
Just got three of mine updated. I just don’t understand the anti-vaccine sentiment from parents were have been vaccinated their entire lives and have no adverse effects.
Like. The critical thinking is in the negative.
Got tetanus updated. Apparently that was recommended on my last medical checkup.
It’d be better for the world if I fucked him hard enough in the mouth enough to choke him to death.
What a visual
I know right? I have a beautiful cock and watching it end the life of one of the worst people who exists is amazing.
You know what? Good for you my man. I hope it works out.
Same with you my main man. hope everything is good with you too
This guy is the classic villain
You first, Bobby
In developed countries the mortality rate is lower, for example in England and Wales from 2007 to 2017 death occurred between two and three cases out of 10,000
In children one to three cases out of every 1,000 die in the United States (0.1–0.2%)
So, the US has ~340 million people with 21% under 18. Maybe half are under 10? That’s about 34 million children. Say none of them were vaccinated and they all got measles. That’s 34k dead kids.
Vaccination rates are probably around 90% at the moment though, so of the 34 million, 3.4 million would be susceptible. That’s 340 dead kids.If RFK Jr. thinks that’s an acceptable number of lives to sacrifice, go ahead. Do it.
I hope he fucking dies soon.
He didn’t actually say this, he said that the vaccination immunity doesn’t last a lifetime and doesn’t get passed from the mother, which increases the risk to the very young and elderly. He very explicitly encouraged people to get vaccinated.
I don’t like him but in this particular case he hasn’t said anything wrong. My only problem with what he said is the way he weighed the potential side effects of the vaccine and measles as if they’re even remotely comparable.
Articles like these act as noise which drowns out the much larger issues in the administration.