One of the wisest things I’ve ever heard is “White people should be lucky that black people only want equality, revenge would be perfectly understandable at this point.”
The more I learn about black history, as in the history of what white people have been doing to black people since the latter was dragged kicking and screaming to America, the more I appreciate the phrase. It’s honestly some of the most horrific shit I’ve ever had the displeasure of learning.
And just to clarify. I’m not black, I’m a pale transchick from the 90’s who’s whiter than sour cream, I’ve seen Wayne’s World 69,420 times and it keeps getting funnier every time I see it.
Still doing it, even the Liberals who think they’re anti-Racist, because huge levels of discrimination on the basis of wealth and very low social mobility are core to preserving the oppression of the descendants of people such as freed slaves and inflicting on them the constante suffering which is a live of poverty in a Capitalist system:
When released, the slaves were poor compared to the rest and, because of being poor they and their children had to live in worse places, were not part of the landowner class and did not have access to the same opportinities as the rest (all the while the active discrimination on the color of their skin continued, making things worse). Fast forward to the modern days and whilst direct discrimination on the color of their skin is a lot less than a mere 50 years ago, you still have lots of Afro-Americans living in ghettos, oppressed via their poverty and with their children having far fewer opportunities to improve their lot in life than the rest.
This is why the fight against Inequality must include fighting Wealth Inequality and Discrimination on the basis of Wealth: even if other kinds of inequality of treatment were magically eliminated tomorrow, Wealth Discrimination is by far the main mechanism of hurting those victims and their descendants (poor people live much more painful lives, from the quality of their dwellings and even the bed they sleep in, to that of their food and their personal safety, to the point that their Life Expectancy is a at least a decade less than rich people) and Wealth Inequality bakes in the past injustices (by denying the same opportunities to the descendants of those who are past victims of other kinds of discrimination, for example because poor neighbourhoods have worse schools and poored people don’t have the same access to universities when those institutions are private and have high attendance fees and non-meritocratic components to their selection process).
In summary, people pushed down the Wealth scale (or never allowed to move up) by other kinds of Discrimination are inflicted pain and suffering via the mechanisms of Wealth Discrimination and their descendants are denied the same opportunities that others have to improve their lot in life by the very same mechanisms.
In practice American Liberals are a mix of hypocrites and useful idiots because, whilst claiming to be against discrimination, they refuse to address the biggest one, which is the main pathway for inflicting life-long suffering to the victims of other kinds of widespread discrimination and for transmitting that status of victim down the generations long after the original kind of discrimination has lessened or even dissapeared.
All of this. It also must include environmental for all the reasons above as well. Exposure to toxic environmental factors (e.g. chemicals, temperature, pollution etc.) more prevalent on the poor and minorities.
Some people believe that they are taking just that, hence all the terror around Great Replacement theory, or the moral downfall of society because people aren’t partaking of mass in purest Latin.
And just to clarify. I’m not black, I’m a pale transchick from the 90’s who’s whiter than sour cream, I’ve seen Wayne’s World 69,420 times and it keeps getting funnier every time I see it.
I’m sorry ma’am, you’re under arrest for excessive whiteness.
Unpopular opinion: the massive African slave trade was only made possible because the coastal kingdoms of the continent (Mali, Benin, Dahomey, Mozambique, etc), saw a golden opportunity to gain goods and weapons they otherwise had no access to. The Europeans (and muslims, too, Oman was a big slave trading kingdom) obviously have their well deserved share of the responsibility, defending said kingdoms and for essentially turning the slave trade into an industry and a massacre, but don’t erase or ignore the Africans’ own responsibility in the process, because it was them who ventured into the continent to hunt and capture people to be sold at the ports.
You want to see a nation that has an even more horrible history? Look up the history of Haiti post slave rebellion. That’s a nation the USA and France owe trillions to.
One of the wisest things I’ve ever heard is “White people should be lucky that black people only want equality, revenge would be perfectly understandable at this point.”
The more I learn about black history, as in the history of what white people have been doing to black people since the latter was dragged kicking and screaming to America, the more I appreciate the phrase. It’s honestly some of the most horrific shit I’ve ever had the displeasure of learning.
And just to clarify. I’m not black, I’m a pale transchick from the 90’s who’s whiter than sour cream, I’ve seen Wayne’s World 69,420 times and it keeps getting funnier every time I see it.
If you really want to be disgusted read A People’s History by Zinn
One of my favorite books! It’s arguably what led to my radicalization.
Still doing it, even the Liberals who think they’re anti-Racist, because huge levels of discrimination on the basis of wealth and very low social mobility are core to preserving the oppression of the descendants of people such as freed slaves and inflicting on them the constante suffering which is a live of poverty in a Capitalist system:
This is why the fight against Inequality must include fighting Wealth Inequality and Discrimination on the basis of Wealth: even if other kinds of inequality of treatment were magically eliminated tomorrow, Wealth Discrimination is by far the main mechanism of hurting those victims and their descendants (poor people live much more painful lives, from the quality of their dwellings and even the bed they sleep in, to that of their food and their personal safety, to the point that their Life Expectancy is a at least a decade less than rich people) and Wealth Inequality bakes in the past injustices (by denying the same opportunities to the descendants of those who are past victims of other kinds of discrimination, for example because poor neighbourhoods have worse schools and poored people don’t have the same access to universities when those institutions are private and have high attendance fees and non-meritocratic components to their selection process).
In summary, people pushed down the Wealth scale (or never allowed to move up) by other kinds of Discrimination are inflicted pain and suffering via the mechanisms of Wealth Discrimination and their descendants are denied the same opportunities that others have to improve their lot in life by the very same mechanisms.
In practice American Liberals are a mix of hypocrites and useful idiots because, whilst claiming to be against discrimination, they refuse to address the biggest one, which is the main pathway for inflicting life-long suffering to the victims of other kinds of widespread discrimination and for transmitting that status of victim down the generations long after the original kind of discrimination has lessened or even dissapeared.
All of this. It also must include environmental for all the reasons above as well. Exposure to toxic environmental factors (e.g. chemicals, temperature, pollution etc.) more prevalent on the poor and minorities.
Some people believe that they are taking just that, hence all the terror around Great Replacement theory, or the moral downfall of society because people aren’t partaking of mass in purest Latin.
When you’re used to privilege, equality feels like oppression.
I’m sorry ma’am, you’re under arrest for excessive whiteness.
Unpopular opinion: the massive African slave trade was only made possible because the coastal kingdoms of the continent (Mali, Benin, Dahomey, Mozambique, etc), saw a golden opportunity to gain goods and weapons they otherwise had no access to. The Europeans (and muslims, too, Oman was a big slave trading kingdom) obviously have their well deserved share of the responsibility, defending said kingdoms and for essentially turning the slave trade into an industry and a massacre, but don’t erase or ignore the Africans’ own responsibility in the process, because it was them who ventured into the continent to hunt and capture people to be sold at the ports.
“And it’s because of how they were dressed!”
You want to see a nation that has an even more horrible history? Look up the history of Haiti post slave rebellion. That’s a nation the USA and France owe trillions to.
Alternatively you can look up what Belgium did in the Kongo. That shit is horrible.
That was hilariously random.
It was clearly for levity, I don’t think they were trying out for the stand up stage.
Yeah well this was also weird because I had been just watching Wayne’s World clips before seeing that reply.